How Drug Addiction Affects the Brain and Body

Studies without control groups were excluded from the review, with the exception of one study on the first evaluation of an intervention based on a package of services formerly offered only to pilots and doctors. Studies were not excluded for other methodological reasons or for country of origin. Due to the recognition that substance use […]

Why do i sneeze after drinking alcohol?

Yes, certain ingredients in alcoholic beverages, such as sulfites in wine or hops in beer, can be more likely to induce sneezing in susceptible individuals. Beer allergies are rare, but they can be caused by a reaction to grains, chemicals, or preservatives. Beer contains many ingredients other than water, such as malt barley, brewer’s yeast, […]

How Long Does It Take to Detox From Alcohol?

Alcohol dehydrates your body, leading to symptoms like headaches and fatigue. By drinking plenty of water, you can help flush out toxins and support your organs in processing alcohol metabolites more efficiently. Oxidative stress plays an important role in ethanol-induced damage to the developing fetus (Cohen-Kerem and Koren 2003). Low levels of CYP2E1 are […]

Create Your Relapse Prevention Plan with this Free, Expert-Made PDF

Signs of emotional relapse include isolation, not attending meetings (or not sharing in meetings), focusing on other people’s problems, and poor sleeping or eating habits. Following formal treatment, many patients benefit from entering some form of aftercare. This can range from attending 12-step meetings to living in a sober living facility after completing an inpatient […]